Mendelův skleník

Možné využití: společenské akce, konference, workshopy a svatby

Více informací:

Kapacita: max. 100 osob

Cena za den: 29.000,- Kč bez DPH

CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (13 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (12 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (09 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (06 of 21)_mh02-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (06 of 21)_mh-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (04 of 21)-3200
Sklenik FotoTino (2)
Sklenik FotoTino (4)
Sklenik FotoTino (5)
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (01 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (03 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (05 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (08 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (10 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (11 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (16 of 21)-3200
CHKAU Mendel  - photo by alex shoots buildings (20 of 21)-3200

V případě zájmu o pronájem některého prostoru kontaktujte prosím p. Philippa Böhma.

Mobil: 777 575 512
Email: Tato e-mailová adresa je chráněna před spamboty. Pro její zobrazení musíte mít povolen Javascript.

ZPĚT - zobrazit všechny prostory k pronájmu